Winter Pest Myths Debunked

Here are several winter pest myths and we debunk why they aren't true!

Mariana Aguilar

Published On:

October 30, 2023

Last Updated:

October 30, 2023

During the winter, there are many misconceptions about pests that a lot of people share. Here are some of those winter pest myths debunked, to use for your knowledge and know how to approach them!


During the winter months, everyone thinks that this is when pests die off and are no longer a problem. In reality, this is when they move inside your home for the warmth that everyone needs. Here are more myths that many share!

  • Pests hibernate during winter - Some pests will hibernate once the cold approaches, but pests like rodents or even roaches will move inside your home and can lead to infestations. 
  • Freezing weather kills all pests - While the cold temperature can be fatal to many pests, many just adapt to the weather and have their own survival methods to handle it. They also go inside homes or the insulation of buildings to find warmth. 
  • Pest control isn’t necessary - Winter is one of the most crucial seasons to have your pest control treatment. Since this is the time that they go in, getting a treatment done to prevent them from continuing to reproduce and even take advantage of having a technician there to do an inspection!
  • Pests don’t reproduce in the winter - When the pests find the warmth of your home, most pest species continue to reproduce and continue to live on. It is even more likely reproduction will occur when insects have access to food sources within the home. 

Prevention and Treatments

Keeping your home safe from pests during the winter is important. Here are some tips to maintain your home pest-free during the cold season!

  • Maintain a clean home - Keeping your home clean is crucial to keep away pests. Avoid eating and making a mess anywhere other than a table. Keep up with regular vacuuming of carpets, wiping down tables and countertops, and keeping rooms clutter-free. This will eliminate food sources and hiding spots. 
  • Remove pest hiding spots  - Along with keeping your home clean, make sure that there are no sources for pests to feed on and hide in. Pests like spiders will commonly use basements and attics since they are undisturbed and will hide there during the winter and continue to reproduce. Also, make sure to eliminate food sources, use airtight containers for leftover food, and clean up after a meal to make sure they are not having anything to feed on.
  • Schedule pest inspections - Having a technician go out and do a pest inspection is crucial. Sometimes they are able to notice openings that need to be sealed up, or activity that has not yet been noticed. 
  • Continue pest control treatments - During the winter, our primary focus is doing a treatment inside, but we also still do one outside. The difference during this time of year is that we use a dust product in cracks and crevices and the technicians are using hand sprays to get around windows and door frames while continuing the regular dewebbing and ground level seal ups. Continuing to have this treatment applied maintains the barrier around your home and prevents activity and infestations from happening, when the next spring season approaches.

If you would like to get a winter service scheduled or have any questions about winter activity, please contact our office at (844)922-7732

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